
Welcome to the MeerkatIO documentation. MeerkatIO is a personal notification and debugging tool for software developers and data scientists, helping you to reclaim time in your day and step away from your computer with confidence.

MeerkatIO Visual Studio Code Extension


The MeerkatIO VS Code Extension can be found by searching for “MeerkatIO” in the extensions marketplace directly within the VS Code IDE or at this link.


After creating an account at MeerkatIO, add your Account Token to your .vscode/settings.json file in your workspace and configure your preferred communication channel.

VS Code Settings Example

	"meerkat.enabled": true,
	"meerkat.token": "token",
	"meerkat.meerkatNotification": "slack"

MeerkatIO CLI Tool


# PyPi
$ pip3 install meerkatio


After creating an account at MeerkatIO you can use the same account credentials to authenticate the CLI, giving you access to the full suite of MeerkatIO services. No authentication is required to use the free Ping feature of MeerkatIO.

$ meerkat login

CLI Examples

All users have access to the ping alert feature which will generate a sound when the below command is run.

$ meerkat ping
$ meerkat email "Bash script output: $1"
$ meerkat slack "Notification email sent successfully"
$ meerkat sms "Bash script complete"